Model Assumptions

"In The Know" is a series of helpful resources which relate the importance of research to real-life situations and provide some straight forward tips to help you put it into action and fill those gaps.

Featured image for “Model Assumptions”

Model Assumptions

20 May 2021
At a time when statistical models have more visible impact on day-to-day life than ever before, we explain what they are, how they work and how to use them to draw conclusions.
asking questions
Featured image for “Measured Opinion”

Measured Opinion

3 May 2021
How do you use the opinions of others to make decisions effectively? In this blog we use scales, coffee shops and the size of hotel bathrooms to find out.
qualitative data
Featured image for “10 word answers”

10 word answers

23 April 2021
Every 10 word answer raises a series of 10 word questions. So how can asking those questions get you to a better answer?
asking questions
Featured image for “Dealing with feedback”

Dealing with feedback

31 March 2021
A slap in the face can hurt but is the best way to fight back to punch the provider in return?
Feedback & Engagement
Featured image for “Reflecting to change”

Reflecting to change

23 March 2021
How reflecting on challenges can help us ask different questions and lead to positive actions.
asking questions
qualitative data
Featured image for “Valuing Answers”

Valuing Answers

15 March 2021
How much do you value an answer? Put another way, how much could having the right answers benefit your business? Is it time to learn the skills that will help you find them?
Featured image for “Pulped Fact?”

Pulped Fact?

5 March 2021
Knowledge. We take it for granted. But do we really value what we already know or are we turning it into word porridge?
Featured image for “Survey and Engage”

Survey and Engage

18 January 2021
How can you use simple surveys to get more effective feedback and engage more constructively with your customers and clients.
Feedback & Engagement
Featured image for “Quicker Insights”

Quicker Insights

14 December 2020
Waiting for the right time to find answers usually means you find few. We live in an imperfect world. So how can you work with that and get the information you need to make progress?
asking questions
Featured image for “Logical Progress”

Logical Progress

19 November 2020
Adopting a logical and practical approach to a problem is the basis of finding an effective solution. What does the search for a COVID19 Vaccine show us?
asking questions
Featured image for “Don’t be misguided”

Don’t be misguided

21 October 2020
Asking for help to find answers can be useful. But how can you keep control of the research others do for you and see the accidental insights they might miss along the way?
asking questions
Featured image for “Navigating the flow”

Navigating the flow

14 October 2020
How can you better navigate the daily torrent of information and date, work out what is accurate and how you need to respond? With the covid-19 pandemic as an example we illustrates 3 basic steps.